The Event

Watch the video highlighting more about the event.


Why are we doing what we’re doing?


Who are we targeting to come to the event?

Event details

More about the event format

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Headline Sponsor

Be our headline sponsor.

Wine is still perceived as intimidating, quite formal and egotistical in the UK, with many events unappealing to a huge range of existing wine drinkers. 

This limits the ability for wineries and producers to expose their brand and wines to a huge audience who may genuinely like their wines, but just never get the opportunity to try them.

With most wine marketed around tasting notes and points, instead of any sense of enjoyment and fun, The London Wine Festival is hoping to change this.

We’re appealing to the generation who are not wanting to dress up formally, or discuss notes and points of wine. We simply allow people to experience and enjoy amazing wines with great music and conversation, in an informal setting. Whilst also supporting wineries to expose their brands to a wider demographic, who may not have heard of them, or experienced their wines before. We believe many are eager to learn and be inspired, though just in a less formal setting.

We consider wine to be a social drink, a connector that is meant to be shared and enjoyed. Wine is for entertaining and engaging. And starting the conversation.

  • Be the dominant sponsor

    • Can offer headline status

    • Big “Majestic world” walk-in experience

    • Branding on LWF promotional material (tickets, videos, website, social content)

    • (Need to make sure it remains an LWF event though, not a Majestic one)

  • Brand repositioning for younger audience

    • E.g. try new branding looks on their stand

    • Play with their logo and look – collaborate with young artists (“Majestic x CoolArtist”)

  • Gain insight rapidly from an ideal audience

    • We can survey our audience pre-, during, post-event

    • Sell data on our audience – locations, demographics, behaviour of each segment, needs and desires, how each group interacts with a particular Majestic test

  • Test new ideas safely in a ring-fenced environment, without affecting any other areas of their brand or marketing

    • Make other cultural content – music, fashion, homeware

    • Launch initiatives – e.g. a drinks industry start-up accelerator

    • Try out digital POS – e.g. interactive screens, VR and AR, facial profiling, projections…

  • Opportunity to shape the audience we seek to attract to LWF 

    • – This would be a high-value sponsorship proposition to partially mould LWF around Majestic’s needs. Concentrate on selling tickets to particular demographics requested by Majestic (or other exhibitors). Big money.

  • Drive new traffic to Majestic stores

    • We can support via vouchers with every ticket

    • Online discount codes

  • Drive traffic to their My Majestic app for additional experiences, discounts, etc

    • From QR code on LWF ticket, marketing, etc

  • Drive online sales & monthly subscriptions 

    • Plug using incentives to LWF audience pre-, during, post-event

  • Meet new trade contacts – funky new wine brands etc

    • Match-make, set up meetings…

    • Dragon’s Dens style “Pitch to the trade” session where all the wineries can present their brand and key products?

  • Generate marketing/social content 

  • We can help create oodles of content based around their stand, interviews with their team members (each will have different stories to tell), “behind the scenes” video/article following them through the show


  • Publicity & exposure – esp to new audiences 

  • All our PR and marketing avenues…

It’s All About The Wine


Vagabond Wines, Managing Director – “we’ve been crying out for a consumer event like this in London.”

It’s All About The Wine


Vagabond Wines, Managing Director – “we’ve been crying out for a consumer event like this in London.”

And it’s also about the food & entertainment


Great street food,  awesome bands and DJ’s to entertain, plus games and activities such as the well loved game Pétanque – that doesn’t require a lot of effort!

What’s not to love!

01 Wine

Wines from the best independent wineries

02 Food

An array of street food to suit everyone’s taste

03 Entertainment

During the day enjoy live bands and in the evening the DJs will kick things up a notch.

04 Activities

Activities to enjoy with exerting much effort!

All at easily accessible, fabulous venues.

The Event

Download here


This event is for those who enjoy wine and are interested in trying new wines, but who are not interested in going into wine shops who tend to be unhelpful and egocentric and also who don’t want to attend events that are traditionally quite dull & intimidating.

This event is focused on the generation interested in trying new wines, but with more of an emphasis on wine being fun, sociable, and enjoyable to drink – and less on the “tasting notes and points”. 

Gen-Y1 & 2 / Millennials

GenY1 (25-28 years old)
GenY2 (29-39 years old)


40-54 years old 

Baby Boomers

55-75 years old

The London Wine Festival will be focused on predominantly Gen Y1-2 and Gen X though we do expect to see a representation from the Baby Boomers generation to be in attendance.


Event Details

The Event Format.

The event is about educating the UK and Londoners to drink better wine. Wineries will be able to showcase their wines, chat with consumers and trade and people can try out wines they may never have tried before. We’re expecting around 250 wines to be on show, which will come from a mixture of wineries.

Key areas:

– Staging for a 4/5 piece band and a DJ Booth; though these can be seperate

– Stands for wineries (see  visuals above); these should be aligned and uniform so the event has a great look and feel; showing some consistency and “coolness” about it. But we do need to create signs for each winery to have on a stand. 

– Rustic style, wooden, wine barrels, pallets, is the theme

The event is both a trade and consumer event. 

The consumer element of the event is a public, ticketed event, where attendees are given a souvenir glass at the entrance that they take with them around the festival, and as they go around, they can talk directly to wineries about their wines, and buy a half glass (more as a taster) or large glass (if they like the wine and want to enjoy a proper glass).

There will be different areas for playing games, such as Petangue, whilst they enjoy live music and conversation amongst friends. 

The event will run on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday with the setup, live event days, and de-rig day outline as below.

8am - noon
Noon - 5pm
6pm - midnight
Set Up
Set Up
Set Up
Set Up
Live Event Session 1
Live Event Session 2
Live Event Session 1
Live Event Session 2
Live Event Session 1
Live Event Session 2

The Age Of Wine Is Here!

Drink Wine, Feel Fine!


Live Music

Keeping you entertained

Games & Activities

A mix of activities to amuse, learn & inspire

Wines From Around The World

Supporting independent wineries

Great Tasting Street Food

From around the world.

To be enjoyed with anyone!

Colleagues, Friends, Family...